Novapharm has developed and validated a full range of inter-compatible ‘next generation’ EVO skin asepsis products which significantly outperform all products available in the global infection control market with respect to both antimicrobial efficacy and skin care
Every product has been formulated with advanced petroleum free surfactant systems as well as proprietary long lasting moisturising, emollient & barrier properties to maintain skin health. The Intra-dermal penetrating technology addresses not only problems associated with resident organisms, but also transient organisms, which are the cause of so many nosocomial infections.
​The inter-compatibility technology means that all products in our “EVO” range can be used in an integrated fashion, eliminating well acknowledged problems associated with chemical incompatibility leading to biocide deactivation.
​Due to Novapharm’s proprietary formulation and dispensing “know-how”, production costs throughout the range remain highly cost competitive.
Built in gloving and barrier properties throughout the range provide a major customer benefit unmatched in any other skin asepsis range.